Welcome to Fife and Dundee Jak's Den Pop Up
In Fife and Dundee, our Pop-Up Jak’s Den activities and 1:1 support are provided by Our HQ staff and supported by our Volunteer Fife and Dundee Coordinator Christine Birrell with most Fife activities taking place in St Columbas Church, Glenrothes.
Christine runs sessions for Warriors and siblings, Mums and Dads activities and other family events in Dundee on a monthly basis also.
1:1 support is also available through home visits, phone calls or hospital visits if your child is on the ward.
If required more bespoke support can be provided through our Music Therapist and our counsellor for Fife.
Closed Facebook Group
We have a closed Facebook group for families in the Fife and Dundee area: Jak’s Denners Fife and Dundee. If you are a warrior or angel family and would like to join this group to keep up-to-date with what we are doing in the Fife and Dundee area, please send us a request to join.
Meet the Fife & Dundee Jak’s Den Team
We also have a Counsellor in place for any parents or grandparents struggling with their child’s diagnosis, journey or bereavement and we would be honoured to help in any way we can.
We can arrange any of the support above for you by contacting us by phone or email here.